Gazelle Strategic Partners provides Diversity and Inclusion consulting by helping clients identify and implement practical, real solutions. Working in collaboration with associations and institutions, GSP has the knowledge of the challenges companies face with regards to D&I.

The most difficult decision companies face is who should assist them with Diversity and Inclusion initiatives. Who can help you identify the gaps in your D&I Policy and help you build the strategy?  Finding the right consultant who will get to know your organization and help you identify the areas of greatest need is critical.

Are you challenged with hiring and retaining diverse candidates? What does the top of your organization look like? What are your metrics for leadership and management? Do you have D&I councils? These are just a few of the questions for consideration.

Gazelle Strategic Partners Diversity Inclusion logo
Gazelle Strategic Partners our programs logo


GSP works with organizations in the following areas:

  • Helping you build a house for diversity
  • Reviewing your messaging
  • Analyzing your attraction and recruitment strategy
  • Creating internal and external fellowship programs
  • Educating for overcoming unconscious bias and microinequities
  • Educating your recruitment and hiring managers

Working with numerous tools and videos, GSP has the ability to educate and guide our clients to a more inclusive workplace.

All programs are customized to fit your needs and budgets.